Monday, March 12, 2012

Cruzan Mango Rum

CockTale: I honestly had no idea what I was going to do with Cruzan Mango Rum when I picked it up at the liquor store. For some reason I was drawn to the bottle and the idea of mango rum and I spent the drive home thinking about what kind of cocktail to make with it. I decided that a mango mojito had promise, so I decided on that. I have been tinkering with my own mojito recipe at home for the past two years or so. I typically mash limes with sugar with this little green Bacardi sponsored mojito tool that I stole from a liquor store. Ok, I didn't exactly steal it, but it was on this display and nobody seemed to say anything when I grabbed it as I walked out the door. So probably 60% stole it, 40% took a free item? Anyways, I mash the limes with sugar to create the simple sugar, add 1 shot of rum to two shots club soda and then garnish with mint leaves and another lime wedge. After mixing a couple of these mango mojitos in this fashion I got smart. How about instead of the limes and sugar I go with Rose's sweetened lime juice! As you can tell by the last El Jimador post, Rose's sweetened lime juice is becoming a staple on CockTales & Reviews. So here is the new recipe - 1 shot rum, half shot Rose's sweetened lime juice and 1.5 shots club soda. Garnish with mint leaves and a lime wedge, stir and pour over ice.

Taste: Unlike most flavored booze these days, Cruzan mango rum doesn't have an overpowering taste. The taste is more complimentary to the rum, like a hint of mango instead of this syrupy mango liquor that I might have expected. "3.5"
Price: $13.95 for a fifth. I will try any liquor that is under $14 per bottle and I plan to try out the entire Cruzan line of rums. "4"
Hangover Factor: No side effects, didn't even get the stomach ache that is sometimes associated with the flavored beverages. "4"
Novelty: The bottle is pretty cool, the idea of mango flavored rum is pretty neat - but here is the problem, what do you do with mango rum other than mango mojitos and maybe rum and some sort of juice like pog? Cruzan mango is a little limited in it's options, that is the only reason for lower marks. "2.5"
Drunk: For some reason I felt like I had to drink a lot of this to start feeling the effects, the taste was great so the cocktails went down like water, but I couldn't break through the sober barrier. "2.5"

Cruzan Mango Rum was a nice surprise, while the drink is a little limited in it's options I think this should be part of your liquor cabinet. A nice change from your average light rum and in my opinion much better flavor than it's overpriced counterparts like Bacardi. Overall - "3.3"

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