Monday, March 19, 2012

Coors Original Beer

CockTale: Let me begin by saying, I hate Coors Light. I was recently in Las Vegas and the $2 beer special during March Madness was Coors, the sponsor of the event at the Fabulous Gold Coast Casino. I was complaining about this year being Coors and the other people with me were saying that Coors original, the banquet beer, is much better than Coors Light and that I need to give it a chance. Every time I have had Coors Light I throw up, either because the taste is so bad or because I must be monumentally drunk to put a Coors Light in my mouth at the end of a long night of drinking. So at around 11am on Saturday I started drinking Coors and was pleasantly surprised, so much that I probably had 30 of them. The Gold Coast was giving out drink coupons and at one point I had accumulated 59 drink coupons that were set to expire at midnight. So I decided to spend St. Patrick's Day by drinking what else but Coors original. Around 11pm I started sharing Coors with everyone I could find, banquet beer for all!

Taste: If Coors Light is a zero and Coors original has to be twice as good at least then I gotta start the rating at 2 and go up from there. The best part about Coors is that it wasn't very filing unlike say a regular Budweiser or Miller. It took me about 14 hours to do so, but I was able to put down 30 of them. Of course, I did forget to eat dinner so that might account for some of the room in my stomach. - "2.5"
Hangover Factor: I thought I was going to die. I started drinking at 11am and finished at 2am the next day, didn't eat anything but a burger around 1pm, wooops. It isn't all Coors' fault, but I'm going with a - "1.5"
Novelty: I have been drinking for about 16 years and have never even tried a Coors, so for me this was a little bit higher on the novelty factor than most people. "3"
Drunk: "libatious" which is defined by Urban Dictionary as "with lots of celebratory drinking; full of libations" - is how I would describe my day with Coors, though I didn't have much to celebrate. "3"
Price: $2 per bottle at the Gold Coast Casino, though I don't think I ever paid a dime for one thanks to the drink tickets, though I probably gambled and lost $250 that day, so I guess I did pay for them and boy did I pay for them the next morning. "2.5"

In the end, I was glad I tried Coors and I can cross it off my drunk bucket list. I will probably need a really good reason to venture towards the mountains of Golden Colorado ever again, but I think we were destined to find each other on St. Patrick's Day 2012 and I'm glad fate brought us together. Overall - 2.5

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