Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cooks Champagne

CockTale: There are unwritten rules when it comes to drinking on Sundays. You can just post up on your couch with a 12 pack on a Sunday afternoon and get loaded, you either need to drink sparingly or there needs to be a special occasion or event to justify your alcohol consumption on the sabbath. Having a mimosa or three at Easter brunch - fine, having a sixer of Bud and watching the Nascar race - fine, going to the store on Sunday to get a cheap ass bottle of Cooks Champagne to have 2pm bellinis just cause - frowned upon. I decided to ignore the rules of Sunday drinking and grabbed the cheapest bottle of champagne on Earth, Cooks, and get my Sunday afternoon drink on.....just like the baby Jesus intended.

Taste: Cooks is the Busch light of champagne, it is what it is. It tastes fine, it isn't good and it isn't terrible. If you are mixing it with orange juice or fruit puree then you just want the alcohol and bubbles anyways, what do you care what it tastes like? If you are drinking it straight on a special occasion, then I hate to tell you that you are probably at a white trash wedding or celebrating New Years Eve with my cheap ass. "2"
Novelty: If you bring a bottle of Cooks to a special occasion be prepared to be laughed out of the room or have a good sense of humor about your inability to buy a nice bottle of champagne. "1"
Price: $5.99 for a bottle is dynamite for what you are getting in return. Can you even buy a six pack for under $6 anymore? "4.5"
Hangover Factor: If you down two bottles of Cooks in a night you are going to feel like shit in the morning, sorry there isn't really anything else to say. Cheap champagne hangover is terrible. "1"
Drunk: Cheap ass drunk. "2.5"

Cooks Champagne does it's job, gets you good and loaded for a discounted price and lets you celebrate....nothing, on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Here's a big middle finger to the unwritten Sunday drinking rules. Overall score - 2.2

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