Taste: Roadhouse Tea sounded fantastic, I was thirsty and an alcohol infused iced tea sounded like a great way to quench my thirst....I was wrong. At first it tastes like iced tea, but then this funny taste impedes your enjoyment. I couldn't figure it out until halfway through the can, it was cough syrup. Jeremiah Weed Roadhouse Tea tastes like an iced tea flavor of f'ing cough syrup. The aftertaste is even worse. Three quarters of the way through the can I couldn't even look at it anymore, I had to plug my nose just to get it down. Overall score - "1", only because giving it a zero would destroy the foundation for the CockTales & Reviews rating system.
Novelty: The tall boy can is cool, the name is pretty cool. Putting on my camo t-shirt and sitting in the backyard pounding some of these white trash style seems like a cool novelty, then you open the can and regret it, but the idea is cool. - "3"
Hangover Factor: I could barely stomach one of these and it made me not want to drink anymore, congratulations Jeremiah, you win. If it was a boxing match between myself and Jeremiah, he jumped into the ring, punched me in the balls and then left. N/A
Drunk: I pounded that can as fast as I could to get it finished and had a little buzz but in no way was drunk enough for this to register on the rating scale. N/AJeremiah Weed Roadhouse Tea is disgusting, don't drink it and whatever you do, don't pay $2.79 for a can of it. If you want to try it, drive over to my house and take the can I have sitting in my fridge, it's yours. Try not to puke in my house. Overall score "1.8" and even that seems a too high.
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